Sunday, June 22, 2014




Does this photo reflect how you feel about work?  Do you awake thinking of ways to get out of heading into the job?  Do you feel a sense of dissatisfaction in how you earn a living?

A recent report in the New York Times Sunday Review section by Tony Schwartz and Christine Porath offered insight on why so many individuals may be experiencing job dissatisfaction.

Schwartz’s and Porath’s article list personal and structural barriers that create a sense of powerlessness in improving your work life.  They list things like a lack of appreciation from colleagues and management, constant distractions in the workplace, feeling overwhelmed by the workload, imbalance in the distribution of assigned tasks, feeling a sense of guilt over long work hours,  feeling guilty when you need time away from the office, and employees reported feeling like they don’t spend enough quality time with family.

Individuals who have gained success in finding balance between their work life and their personal lives achieve greater job satisfaction.  Here are a few things you may want to incorporate into your daily life that may lead to decreased stress and/or anxiety associated with occupational satisfaction:

Be clear about what your job offers you.

Be honest about what your job requires from you. 

Be certain to make changes where you can regarding structuring your day.  Remember you deserve to have improved functioning and balance in your life.

Ask for what you need from your employer to improve communication and reduce stress.

Ask for what you need from your colleagues to reduce anxiety associated with work responsibilities.

Ask for what you need from your family and friends to help reduce feelings of guilt and stress.

Always look for ways to choose what brings balance to your life and satisfaction.


Posted by Lauren F. White-Johnson, LCPC

New York Times article link

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